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19-21 May
Singapore EXPO, Singapore


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Navigating the Digital Manufacturing Landscape: A Guide for Manufacturing SMEs to Adopt IIoT Solutions and Become Future Ready

27 Jul 2023

IoT Alliance Australia's (IOTAA) Manufacturing workstream is bringing together manufacturers, experts, industry groups like AMTIL, AMGC, SEMMA, … and others to collaborate and develop a guidebook utilising their collective knowledge, experience, and expertise.

The purpose of the guidebook is to provide guidance, and practical IIoT / Industry 4.0 solution patterns for Manufacturing SMEs to boost their productivity, growth, and sustainability by addressing technology challenges.

The guidebook, developed iteratively through the efforts of industry volunteers, aims to advance, and sustain the manufacturing industry by addressing their real business challenges with current technologies and solution patterns.

Come and hear the journey of this collaborative work, learn about the challenges that have been solved, and see what's coming up in the next iterations. You'll gain insights into the latest technologies and best practices that can help your business thrive in a competitive industry. Join us to learn how you can take advantage of and / or contribute to shape this valuable resource for the industry while improving your business.

Three Key Learnings:

  1. Adapting to continuous changes in the digital landscape is essential for businesses today to become future-ready.
  2. Make the most of stable digital technologies to solve your current business challenges and position your business for success.
  3. Collaborate with industry peers and experts to provide and get guidance and solution patterns to boost productivity, growth, and sustainability of your business by addressing technology challenges.