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Coming Back in 2025, 19-21 May
Singapore EXPO, Singapore


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Koh Niak Wu

Koh Niak Wu

CEO + CTO, Cosmiqo International Pte Ltd

Dr Koh Niak Wu is CEO & CTO of Cosmiqo. He specializes in supply chain analytics, strategy execution and operations management innovation. Dr Koh received the IEOM Distinguished Industry Achievement Award in 2021 for his outstanding achievements in supporting growth and transformation of the profession in industrial engineering and operations management and is an Intellectual Transcendences 2019 recipient recognized by the Asian Productivity Organization and China Productivity Centre. Dr Koh was formerly part of the Global Supply Chain and Logistics team at Dell contributing to strategy analytics. He was also in the Planning and Operations Management Group at SIMTech, A*STAR where he gained valuable insights into the evolution of industries. As an Expert with the Asian Productivity Organization (APO), he shares his views on the future economy across Asia and the Pacific. Dr Koh codes, believes in the power of operational analytics and how it shapes business decisions. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Robotics from the National University of Singapore and a Bachelor of Engineering (1st class) from King's College London.
